Mahendra Kumar Trivedi Speaks on Optimal Potential and Happiness

I always speak of my energy, and the many ways it brings people to a place where they begin to focus at their optimal potential. So, what do I mean by Optimal Potential? This is a term full of confusion.

Many leaders use this term to hide their incompetence and to fool others. They label themselves as transformational leaders and healers, claiming to have the abilities to transform the lives of humans for higher and better purposes.

And the excuses are, “you are struggling in many areas of your life because you are not functioning at your optimal potential.”  The transformational leaders love to tell people “You are not opening your heart, not permitting the nature to flow through you” and so on.

So this “Optimal Potential” cannot be universally defined or quantified, it varies from person to person. For example, take a 16oz bottle of Trivedi water. Once a few drinks have been taken, everyone can clearly see that this bottle is half empty and half full. So the optimal potential for the water bottle is only to the rim of the bottle. The optimal potential of this bottle isnot that of a huge tank.

And here is the trick. These ‘transformational leaders’ are either confused, or they are playing a very serious game. They confuse people by delivering the message that, “You are a 100,000 gallon tank with nearly unlimited capacity, you are simply not functioning at your optimal potential.” They would never say, “You are just a 16oz bottle,” even though that is the truth.

Again the question arises – how can I go from a 16oz bottle to a 100,000 gallon tank? The moment you have this question, you have given a big scope to the service providers to exploit you, because now they are aware of your deepest desires.

Say you ask your employer, “How can I take myself to the next level?” You are not functioning as a 16oz bottle, but I feel as though you have the potential to function as a 100,000 gallon tank. There is no need for the employer to be very competent, but definitely they must be a great psychologist. The whole business of money trading between the employee and employer is amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars on this planet.

But the reality, the beauty, and the question that we need to ask to the people is “What is the objective?” What do you want to accomplish by transforming from a 16oz bottle into a 100,000 tank? What do you want to accomplish by becoming so big? The answer will come finally – there may be several answers, but will all end with happiness.

So the final outcome is simply that, humans need fulfillment and crave happiness. Different things define happiness for different people, but the question is: Can the 16oz bottle enjoy the same happiness as the 100,000 gallon tank? The answer is, yes.

The whole confusion and exercise of competition surrounds the confusion that if you become rich, happiness will follow. This has no relationship with the truth. If poor, less educated people can understand that happiness can be obtained while being less known to the world, the whole idea of competition and jealousy will be reduced; the terrorism, violence and war, can be stopped.

All of these things are possible if the consciousness of most of the humans can be raised. Ahigher consciousness is the only solution for hundreds of problems that plague the billions of people on this planet.

I feel the media and major parts of the entertainment industries have polluted individual’s minds through illusion and delusion of the image of happiness. The average innocent people have started thinking that all the rich, famous people on this planet are happy. Top politicians, Hollywood insiders, CEO’s, celebrities, philanthropists and famous scientists are not accessible to the average person, so they believe that all of the people in the spotlight are happy.

I am convinced that more than 95% from this top group has not experienced true happiness in their lives. Less than 5% from this group have enjoyed happiness for a small period in their whole life while the same 5% ratio of happy people also exists in the very poor communities.

In the end, people can find and function to their optimal potential. Whether you are a person living in poverty or in a multi-million dollar house, whether you are a 16oz bottle of water or 100,000 gallon tank – finding your inner optimal potential is essentially finding happiness.