Natural Means To Cut Down On Your Sleeping Disturbances

Most of us have experienced the devastating effects of losing a good night’s sleep. Quite often it can be killing imagine the terror if you doze off when on your steering wheel! Thankfully majority of mankind is not sleep deprived or at least get a comfortable sleep adequate to keep themselves ready for the following day’s gruel. But there are those people who are incapable of going to sleep at night. No matter how hard they try, their eyes won’t just droop and let them slip into slumber. In medical terminology this severe condition is called insomnia. Sleeping disturbances can be triggered due to a variety of reasons most of which are due to the environment in which we work, live and most importantly sleep in.

Sleeping disturbanceLack of hygiene can be cited as the common cause of sleeplessness. We become restless and our body fails to go to rest when there is dirt and unclean particles floating around in the environment where we rest our sleeping hours. For some people it could also be triggered due to a variety of reasons like emotional stress, worry, relationship problems, obesity, lack of exercise, medication, etc. Worry or stress being matters related to the mind requires the cooperation of the individual to set them right. Sometimes in certain cases the guidance of mental health professionals or mentors may even be required to find a permanent and long lasting solution.

In order to get a good night’s sleep it is very essential to have sufficient physical movement that will drain your body. You should feel exhausted and tired by the end of the day in order to fall asleep. Hence, obese people or people who stick to their couches for most part of the day find it literally impossible to sleep at night since the body is not tired and is still active. Hence, getting adequate exercise is the first step to ensuring proper sleep. Eating right also aids in sleeping tight. Junk food and excess fat foods can clog the digestive system and keep it working even when you are sleeping. This will disrupt your sleeping time seriously and reduce the quality of sleep. Hence, it is very important to eat light dinner and at right time; at least two hours before sleep in order to ensure sound sleep.

The Trivedi foundation is a non-profit organization that has been providing spiritual wellness programs and assisting scientific research all over the globe. The foundation came into being as a result of the efforts of Mahendra Kumar Trivedi; a spiritual guide and practitioner of the Trivedi Effect®. The Trivedi Effect® is an energy transmission process that helps in reducing mental and physical ailments in living organisms. The process is also known to be effective in enhancing sleep quality by reducing the impact of sleeping disturbances in individuals. By increasing the spiritual wellness of an individual it aids in making a person more calm and peaceful which results in an overall improvement in lifestyle including sleeping patterns.

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Feel Better About Yourself – Boost Your Self Esteem Today!

Self Esteem is nothing but the thoughts and beliefs you posses about yourself. Low self esteem is the result of poor believes about yourself. Having low self esteem can have a negative impact on your health, career and relationships. If you have high self esteem, mostly your beliefs will be positive, assisting you to achieve your goals easily.

Boosting self esteem 2

The process of boosting self esteem needs changes in the way you think about yourself. For instance, change your all-or-nothing sort of thinking. Think you have to win the situation and not like if you lose, you will be a total failure. Both sorts of thoughts will have a different impact in your mind. Always use hopeful statements for thinking, focus on your positives, encourage yourself and learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.

The above activities of boosting self esteem need your inner guidance system in the process. People find it difficult to connect to their inner guidance system. A natural phenomenon can assist you do this. The Trivedi Effect®, found by Mahendra Trivedi, is a natural and powerful phenomenon that can assist you easily connect with your inner guidance system and better analyze and understand yourself.

The Trivedi Effect®, assist you better analyze your troubling situations and making a in self-talk. This changes how you interpret your troubling situations due to false thoughts. Trivedi Effect® harnesses the power of your own thoughts to alter the way you feel about yourself and build your self esteem.

Boosting self esteem becomes easy with The Trivedi Effect®. Experience the Trivedi Effect® for yourself and find the difference in your thought process. Join the thousands of people who are already benefiting with the Trivedi Effect®.To better understand about the Trivedi Effect® and to know how to register for this wonderful session for yourself, visit – Lead a simpler, lighter and fulfilled life by boosting self esteem with the natural and powerful Trivedi Effect®!

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Heal Your Emotional Disturbance By Trivedi Effect®

Today parents are facing the dilemma of having a child with emotional disturbance. It is a different thing for small children, but to find it, is another thing. As they are still growing up and moving through varied stages, you may be thinking that some of their behaviour is normal and it’s all a part of child development. It is entirely based on how one may think about it. If small children began to rip their toys apart, then their parent may take it as a serious emotional problem, while another may take it as their child showing leadership or independence skills. Before searching a mental health assessment, firstly parents must first understand the complete situation. Are there any family problems such as death occurring or divorce? Is the child having social problems at school? There may be a particular situation that the child may be affecting their behaviour? Whatever the condition may be, first parents should try and understand the problem of their child and then seek the best solution of their emotional problem.

Emotional DisturbanceDistorted thinking may be exhibited by the Children with the most serious emotional disturbance, abnormal mood swings, bizarre motor acts and excessive anxiety. They are sometimes detected by medication, as having a psychotic disorder. It can range in severity from temporary and mild to recurring and severe. at various points in their development some of these same behaviours may also displayed by Many children who are not emotionally disturbed. When children having serious problem of emotional disturbance, problematic behaviour and thinking continues for a longer duration. Their behaviour shows that they are unable to cope with their environment indeed; a child with a severe problem of emotional disturbance will have great difficulty in interacting effectively.

Only Medication is not enough for the betterment of your child’s emotional problem rather you need to give them your love and complete support to understand their unnatural behaviour. No one can do it as the parents do. Many researches have been done in this particular area and there is a Company that is entirely working for the betterment of your lives called Trivedi Global Company through Energy Transmissions. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi with the support of Trivedi Masters™ wellness programs can transform various lives across the entire world. Register today and attend the wellness programs. For more details you can visit to our Company’s website at , , , .

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Special Prayer – A New Way To Heal

Change,” has been affecting all aspects of life in a very big way. Similarly, there has been a phenomenal change in the health and wellness industry. One such change is the change the way people have started perceiving health and wellness. Gone are the days, when people use to look for doctors when affected with any physical or mental problem. These days people are more keen on preventing diseases than thinking of how to solve them. In addition, people these days are opting for more non medicinal techniques of healing. Considering this trend there has been a huge acceptance of spiritual health and wellness. The fact that a perfect balance body, mind and soul is the key to healthy and happy living, people have realized that focusing on spiritual health and wellness is the mantra to achieve this balance.

Special PrayerIn addition spiritual health and wellness programs are not for only healing but also making people realise the best ways of living and also to help them adopt the ways and means to healthy living which keep mental and physical problems away.

Tapping on this trend of boom in spiritual health and wellness, various organisations have joined this industry, giving various human development programs. But the one healing technique that has taken the world with a storm is the Trivedi Effect®. Pioneered, by Mahendra kumar Trivedi, Trivedi Effect® is energy healing technique that has the ability to heal and transform people from all sorts of mental and physical problems.

Taking the healing technique, to another level, Mahendra Trivedi introduced yet another unique healing and transforming technique called special prayer. This special prayer which is chanted twice a year is a 9 days activity wherein Mahendra Kumar Trivedi along with his other Trivedi Masters™ chants this special prayer. People who have attended this session would vouch for it that, this special prayer has a miraculous overall positive effect on the lives. Not only does this special prayer give mental peace but has shown to give inner peace and satisfaction, overall improvement in the personality, helped improved personal relationships and financial status and much more.

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Mahendra Trivedi – Tips For Boosting Immune System

Human body is the most sophisticated and well organised machine that is built in with various facets. One such in built facet is the immune system that helps protect out body from inside out. However, thanks to the current lifestyle changes, the immune system abilities have gone for a toss. However, as the quote says, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” similarly boosting immune system lies in the individual’s hands. So, for all those who are serious of boosting immune system, here are some simple tips:

  • Avoid consuming too much of sugar, as excess sugar suppresses the immune system cells leading to the body being prone to bacteria attack

  • Various health experts believe stress to be the root cause of many mental and physical problems. Therefore, stress less by planning your work and routine. Breathe deep and focus more on “let go” attitude.

  • Have a healthy diet filled with lots of fruits, vegetables and pulses.

  • Move your body should be the mantra. In other words, make it compulsory to have a regular exercise regime of at least 25 minutes.

  • Fatigue is yet another reason that makes your body prone to illness. So, sleep well and ensure to have at least 7-9 hours of sleep

  • Stay surrounded with your loved ones and positive minded people. A healthy mind is a must for a healthy body

  • Keep yourself in good mood

  • Practice psychological exercises like meditation and yoga to strike a balance between body, mind and soul.

Thus, with the above mentioned daily life tips, boosting immune system are not a dream. However, in addition to the above, there is yet another option for overall health and wellness i.e. Trivedi Master Wellness™. Established by Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Trivedi Master Wellness™ is an organisation that helps people to heal and transform with the energy healing technique, Trivedi Effect®. Considering the importance of human health and wellness, Trivedi Master Wellness™ has been conducting an array of programs that address various mental, psychological and physical problems and thereby suggest the best possible way to overcome them.

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Handle Effectively The Menstruation Cycle Problems

The one biological change that every woman would remember is the first time she got her menstruation as it marks the transition of a woman from girlhood to womanhood. It is from that date that starts the biological syndrome that occurs to woman every month. Regular menstruation is a sign of being healthy. However, in the recent times women across the globe seem to be facing the issue of menstruation cycle problems. Thanks to the constant increase in stress levels, unhealthy eating and poor lifestyle that seem to have become the major contributors to the menstruation cycle problems. Though it is a matter of concern, it is not matter that cannot be solved. So, here some basic suggestions to cope with menstruation cycle problems:

Menstruation cycle problems

  • Share with friend: Sharing with co woman would not bring back your menstruation to normalcy but can definitely get you some support

  • Doctor: if the irregularity is occurring often, consult a doctor and get the best medication and solving technique

  • Exercise: Ensure to have a regular 30 minutes exercise routine to keep yourself fit

  • Change lifestyle: control your stress levels with meditation, have a healthy diet and ensure to drink lots of water to keep you hydrated

  • Keep yourself updated: With so much information online, update yourself with relevant information about staying healthy and handling menstruation cycle

Thus, with the above tips, you can rectify your menstruation cycle problems. However, in case of menstruation cycle problems, it is suggested that women consult physician. But women who are looking out for a non medicinal technique, you have The Trivedi Effect® at your aid. Trivedi Effect® an energy healing technique is a technique that has the ability to resolve all sorts of mental and physical problems. Thus women looking for general health care tips can attend the Trivedi Master Wellness programs that address various women care issues. In addition, women with any specific problem pertaining to mental or physical problem can opt for their personalised consultancy wherein the Trivedi Masters™ based on your lifestyle, severity of the issue, suggest the healing plan.

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Handling Brain Fog Anxiety

You get up in the morning and your mind is still blank?

You are amidst some work and your mind suddenly goes blank?

These are some of the common experiences that many have in their day to day life. This sudden blankness or formation of haze on thinking ability of the brain is called brain fog anxiety. In other words, brain fog anxiety also known as fibromyalgia brain fog is psychological disorder wherein, all of a sudden the brain loses its thinking capacity and goes blank. This phenomenon is generally quite common these days. The reason being late night working, unhealthy eating, work stress, alcohol intake etc. However, a small shot of caffeine or small workout generally helps you to get out of the haze.

Brain Fog Anxiety 2

However, if the problem persists and is occurring quite often, then it is definitely a matter of concern and needs doctor or psychologist consultancy. However, when you experience brain fog anxiety here are some general tips that you can follow to overcome the same:

  • Stay calm and take deep breaths to slow down the anxiety.

  • Having a healthy diet is one key way to avoid brain for anxiety because healthy food controls the metabolism.

  • Eat right and healthy breakfast. As it is the first meal of the day try to eat healthy so that you feel energetic throughout the day.

  • Exercise and yoga regularly can keep fibromyalgia brain fog away

  • Take things easy. Be choosy of what gets into your brain.

With the above mentioned tips, people experiencing brain fog anxiety once in a while can easily overcome it. However, for all those who have a serious brain fog anxiety issue and don’t want to solve it through pills can opt for Trivedi effect. Dahryn trivedi, a trivedi effect master, with his ability of channelizing divine energy to cure ailments is capable of permanently curing brain fog anxiety disorder. As trivedi effect reviews the case with a detailed “why, why” analysis, the treatment finds the root cause of the disorder and removes the same , in order to ensure that the ailment is cured permanently. After the treatment Dahryn trivedi also suggests certain tips to be followed post treatment.

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Realise Your Dreams With Confidence

If there is one thing that will take you a long way is Confidence. In other words, confidence is the heart of a successful life because a confident mind is always positive and vibrant. In addition, a confident person not only excels as an individual but also serves the family, society and organization in a better way. However, confidence is not a trait that is once acquired will exist lifelong; instead it is a trait that needs to be developed at every phase of our life. Therefore, parents, teachers and the individual himself are responsible for developing this sense of confidence. However, broadly here is the importance of confidence in life:

How to fall asleep written in search bar

  • To create a life that you want like

  • To achieve your ambitions

  • To face challenges in life

However, very few manage to develop confidence that sustains all kinds of challenges and stays intact till last. As it is a rare quality to see, many consider that building confidence is tough. However, the truth is that, building confidence is not an impossible task. With some amount of dedication and some self help techniques, confidence can be easily built. Having said that, the one thing many have in mind is, how to gain self confidence? So for all those asking this, here are some of the techniques that would help you become confident:

  • Exercise more: Confidence greatly depends on how you look and how you feel. Therefore, do have a regular exercise regime that would make you physically fit and mentally calm

  • Learn to fake it: Confidence cannot be built overnight but till it is built learn to fake it. This would eventually help you easily handle public when you actually develop confidence.

  • Focus on positivity: many a times, low self confidence is a result of low self esteem. Therefore, focus on your positive points and if necessary, jot them down on a paper and refer to it regularly to keep yourself reminding about your strengths.

  • Stay away from losers: When you are in the process of building self confidence, stay away from negative minded people and losers because they exclude lot of negativity and depressiveness.

Thus, with the above mentioned points, anyone with a serious conviction to gain self confidence can easily develop confidence. However, there is another side to the confidence building activity. There are people who lose confidence, as they come across some tough situations. In such cases gaining back confidence becomes even more difficult. It is in this situation, that an external source comes as a saviour who makes us realise our strengths and removes our fears. One such external source that has reformed many lives is Trivedi Foundation™. With the teams of Trivedi Healers™, Trivedi Foundation™ has been conducting various programs on awakening self confidence. In addition to open programs, Trivedi Foundation™ also does individual interactions that have a shaken confidence levels. Thus, for all those who are looking for building self confidence have Trivedi Foundation at their aid.

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Weak Minds Suffer Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

Life has a unique way of teaching lessons and sometimes extremely dangerous ways of testing your willpower. In other words, when life unveils the grey side, it needs immense mental ability to face it and overcome it. However, the way one handles a shock or challenge determines the post incident life of the individual. Incidents that have a long lasting impact on human minds are called traumatic incidents. Many a times, times plays the role of a healer and helps people to get over traumatic incident. But it sometimes it also happens that, people don’t have the mental strength of handling traumatic situations and therefore, get stuck in the same incident. This, situation of suffering is called post traumatic stress.


In general case, post traumatic stress appears immediately after the incident happens. But sometimes, it also happens that people after the traumatic incident get normal but due to certain other incident, the flashes of the experienced trauma come back flashing. However, whatever may be the reason of occurrence, the side effects of post traumatic depression are as follows:

  • Nightmares: sleepless nights are the first and the most common side effect. The flashes of the incident make you restless and sleepless

  • Mood swings: your behaviour becomes unpredictable and small things seem to disturb you

  • Lack of concentration and memory: the mind is so restless and disturbed that you lack focus and concentration.

However, it is always suggested to address post traumatic stress as early as possible else it would lead to irreparable damage to your mind. Be it post traumatic stress and any other kind of mental disorder, gone are the days when you had to go on a heavy medication or treatment that would exhaust your physically too, as you have The Trivedi Effect® at your perusal. The Trivedi Effect® heals people through energy transmission. With a team trivedi masters, The Trivedi Effect® has been healing millions of people across from all sorts of mental and physical ailments. However, one trivedi master that gave a new angle to The Trivedi Effect® is Dahryn trivedi by introducing an energy infused skin care.

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Beat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder With a Natural Phenomenon

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is activated by a frightening occasion — either by encountering it or seeing it. Manifestations may incorporate flashbacks, bad dreams and extreme nervousness, in addition to wild contemplations about the occasion.

Post traumatic stress disorder

Numerous individuals who experience traumatic occasions experience issues in modifying and adapting for some time, yet they don’t have PTSD. With time and great thought toward oneself, they generally improve. In case you experience a consistent feeling of risk and tormenting memories, you may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can appear as though you’ll never get over what happened or feel typical again. However by looking for treatment, connecting for help, and creating new adapting aptitudes, you can overcome PTSD and proceed forward with your life.

Who Gets posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Everybody responds to traumatic occasions in an unexpected way. Every individual is one of a kind in his or her capacity to oversee fear and stress and to adapt to the danger postured by a traumatic occasion or circumstance. Thus, not everybody who encounters or witnesses a trauma will create PTSD. Further, the kind of help an individual gets from companions, relatives and experts after the trauma may impact the advancement of PTSD or the seriousness of manifestations.

Posttraumatic stress disorder was first brought to the consideration of the medicinal group by war veterans; subsequently came the names shell stun and fight weakness disorder. But, PTSD can happen in any individual who has encountered a traumatic occasion. Individuals who have been mishandled as kids or who have been over and over presented to life-undermining circumstances are at more serious danger for experiencing PTSD.

Overcoming PTSD at ease with a natural phenomenon

The natural energy transmissions of Mahendra Trivedi helps individuals cope up with posttraumatic stress disorder. This phenomenon is much effective and provides a long-lasting relief. This is known as the Trivedi Effect®. The energy transmissions help individuals to connect to their inner self in turn harnessing the power of the universal energy. To know more about the Trivedi Effect® and how it can provide relief from PTSD visit,

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